суббота, 5 декабря 2020 г.

Shame on you European governments

Peace family 🙏 please saw this video you can understand whats going on in the world. Germany and France government blocked this video on YouTube and not accept invitation in meeting in UN but other countries was there. Only France and Germany government support Ukraine and try blocked this meeting but Russia and other countries South African Republic, China, Nigeria, Belarus and many more about 17 countries support this meeting and build first time with independent Republics Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic so meeting was powerful and world first time from 2014 in UN heard voice of our people. France and Germany government with Ukraine not wanna make dialogue they continue agressive politics against us and continue drop bombs and shot us from hard gunnery. Ukrainian Government still use weapons against us so they dont wanna make dialogue and build in UN they wanna war. Watch video and you can understand how its working today this so called European governments justice for all.

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